World Trade Center

Construction workers placed a steal beam on top of the new World Trade Center on Monday, making it New York City's tallest building. One World Trade Center tower stands 381 meters above the streets of downtown Manhattan, surpassing the iconic Empire State Building. When completed, the new building will be 104 stories high and 541 meters tall, which is 1,776 feet, a height chosen to symbolize freedom. One World Trade Center, often called Freedom Tower, is being built at the site of the twin towers of the original World Trade Center.

Source (Times Of Earth)

Dark Knight Rises

A new trailer for the highly anticipate "Dark Knight Rises"has surfaced the internet. This movie is sure to create a lot of buzz for the Warner Brother company as well as the movie industry. 

Source (E!)

Enterprise in NY

On Friday April 27, the shuttle Enterprise arrived to NY, where it will be on display at the Intrepid. It's currently at JFK and you can see it as you pass by on the highway. NASA retired the Enterprise in July 2011 after 30 years of orbital service. A total of five shuttles reached space between 1981 and 2011, but only three of these vehicles remain. Like Challenger, the shuttle Columbia was lost along with its entire crew during a mission. The orbiter broke apart while re-entering Earth's atmosphere in February 2003.

Source (MSNBC)

Ozzie Guillen on Fidel Castro.Media Updates

Recently, the Miami Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen made a highly controversial statement. Reports surfaced that the upcoming edition of Time magazine quotes him saying, "I love Fidel Castro." He later amended his comment, saying: "I respect Fidel Castro. You know why? A lot of people have wanted to kill Fidel Castro for the last 60 years, but that [expletive] is still there." This lead to heavy controversy because the Miami Marlins are located in South Florida which has a vast Cuban population, also because of the fact that he somewhat praised Fidel, who is a terrible dictator. He is going back today, on his day off to apologize to the people of Florida as well as reporters.

Source (Baltimore Sun)

Louis Vuitton

A very well known brand, Louis Vuitton, outdid themselves with this lookbook in my opinion. A journey, both literal and metaphorical, is at the heart of Louis Vuitton’s Spring/Summer 2012 collection. “After all travel forms the foundation of the brand. This is a fundamental part of the lineage and language of Louis Vuitton and is a central component of what it stands for today,” says Kim Jones, the Men’s Style and Studio Director. With this in mind, garments are more traditional in nature but still contain that flare we’ve come to expect from Louis Vuitton. The images showcase dashes of color and refinement alongside blue skies, majestic animals and sunsets to die for. What really caught my attention was the setting and props used. They engage animals to strengthen the detail in their products as well as uniqueness.

Source (ILOVELV)

Writing Center

Another trip that the class took was to the writing center. The writing center is located on the right as you walk in to the library. Here they told us about a great resource that St. John's has to offer. At the Writing Center you can make an appointment to meet with one of the workers and you two can have a session in which you look over any writing assignment and work on it. You can make your appointment online and it's for an hour, but you can always make more than one appointment. You sit down with one of the workers and discuss your paper and go over it for any grammatical errors.  If for some reason you don't like the person you are assigned, you can request for a change and continue with your session. They have one on the Staten Island campus, but why go there when you're a Queens campus student?!

Study Abroad Fair

The class went on a trip to a study abroad fair in DAC. They had a lot of information on places where you can study abroad during the summer. Some of the places included Rome, Spain, Japan, and many more. Although I wasn't very interested in the fair, solely because I want to enjoy my summer as opposed to spend it doing schoolwork, I walked around and took some flyers just in case. They had a lot of pins with different sayings in different languages. I took a couple and decided to decorate my hat.