Media Diary

When the professor gave us the assignment to write about our daily media usage, I knew what mine would look like. Being a photographer makes it inevitable for me to not use the media. Starting in the morning, my alarm is on my phone so that's where it all starts. Since I am a commuter and have 7:30am classes every day, you will not catch me without my headphones in. Bad enough I'm up early, but dealing with other commuters can be annoying. I listen to my iPod on my way to school. At school, I am allowed to use my computer in most of my classes so I engage in more media. On my computer I do many things, take notes, work on photos, blog, catch up on blogs, social networks, and much more. After class is over, I put my headphones back on and continue the day, music gets me by throughout the day. At home, I continue to use media until I go to sleep. Usually doing some editing and checking up social networks tires me out thus falling asleep. Media is seen a lot during my day and I'm not surprised about it. It's just interesting how much of an impact technology has on our society nowadays. Who would've thought this is what the world would be like 20-30 years ago?

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